Good practices for starting early childhood education

Starting early childhood education 

The starting of a child’s early childhood education may raise many kinds of thoughts in parents and children. The initial stages may be associated with worry and guilt, and also enthusiasm and anticipation of something new. The parents are concerned over how well the child will manage in separation from the parents, and the everyday life of the whole family requires rearrangement. 

The starting of care brings many changes to the child’s life. The objective is to create an open and trusting relationship between the parents and the early childhood education personnel in all matters concerning the child and the child’s development. As educational partners, we together are building the foundation for the balanced development and learning of the child. The child can grow and learn well in a safe and warm atmosphere. Parents have the responsibility for raising their child, and early childhood education supports this in the best possible way.  

Please remember that we are bound by confidentiality in all matters concerning the children and families! 

Adaptation of the child to early childhood education 

The child needs about six months to adapt to care. In this time, the child’s behaviour becomes balanced both at home and in early childhood education. The child’s emotional reactions are often stronger at home than at the place of care, because the child reacts where the child feels safe. 

Care that has started well may become more difficult after a few months, because some children react with a delay. When a child starts for the very first time in early childhood education or in a new group of children, it is a big step for the child. It is always exciting to go into a new group, also for adults. 

A child may be anxious about separation from the parents. It is good to discuss the feeling of longing with the child. In everyday life, there are ways to help the child keep the parents in mind during the day of care: child’s own cuddly toys for naps, other items that provide security, photographs of the parents, etc. 

Initial discussion (usually before care begins) 

The initial discussion takes place between the parent(s) and an employee without a child. In the initial discussion, the employee receives information about the child and the parents receive information about early childhood education. In the discussion, the parents can tell important things about their child, such as what the child is interested in, eating and sleeping habits, daily routines, how the child plays and how the child reacts to disappointments. The discussion can also cover parenting, boundaries, love and everyday matters, and what the parents hope for from the co-operation between the family and early childhood education. The parents know how to care for and raise their child.  

A representative of the personnel describes the customs and practices of the day care centre or family day care. The transfer of information concerning the child’s previous early childhood education plan, if any, is agreed at the same time. When a parent feels confident about the child’s day care, the parent conveys security to the child. 

It is important that the child feels as safe as possible in order to be able to trust the adults and to be able to play and do other things in confidence. A small child does not always know how to talk about his or her needs. The child’s adaptation begins with a dialogue between the parents and professionals of early childhood education. 

Familiarisation period 

When a parent feels confident about the child’s place of care, that feeling is also conveyed to the child. It is important that the child feels as safe as possible in order to be able to trust the adults and to be able to play and do other things in confidence. Sufficient time should be allowed 

for the starting of care. The child and parents learn to know the environment, routines, children and personnel of the place of care in their own pace. The schedule for this is agreed together with the family. 

Starting process of day care 

1. Day care decision and income statement form 

The parents/custodians receive a decision in writing on the place of early childhood education by letter, or a notification by phone and an email that the decision can be found electronically at the service.  The income information of the custodians of the child is verified from the Income Register if the custodians give their permission for this, or the information can be delivered by email to Self-employed persons must report their income information (same report as to the tax authorities) to the above e-mail address.  

Town of Raisio 

Education Centre / Maarit Seppänen 

Nallinkatu 2, 21200 Raisio 

2. Contacting the place of care  

The parents/custodians call the unit manager whose telephone number is given in the decision, and agree on a starting date and an initial discussion.  

3. Child gets to know the place of day care  

The child visits the day care with the custodian as many times as the child needs. During the visit, an early childhood education agreement is drawn up, with contact information and other important information about the child. At the same time, the child’s care hours and potential regular holidays are agreed. The parents can tell about the child’s habits. The care relationship begins when the child stays unaccompanied in day care. It is good for the child if the child becomes accustomed to the care gradually, for example so that the care days are not very long at first. 

4. Drawing up of education plan 

When the personnel have learned to know the child sufficiently, the child’s early childhood education plan is drawn up jointly. The plan covers matters that are important to the child and the child’s development. The personnel utilise these matters to support the child’s growth, development and learning. If the child has a statement about the need for special support, it is included in the plan. 

Good to know 

Opening hours 

As a rule, the day care centres and family day care are open from  6.15 to 17.00. Children who have breakfast at the day care centre must be there no later than 8.00. Leijapuisto serves as a round-the-clock day care centre.  

Starting and ending of care day 

When bringing and picking up a child to and from day care, make sure that one of the personnel notices you. The child is at your responsibility at all times when you are present. It is easier for the child to be in day care when the parents also follow the rules of day care. If a person other than the child’s own parent comes to pick up the child, please provide the name and contact details of this other person. Responsibility for your child is something we share with you, and it is an important thing for us. 

Hours of care 

At the beginning of the care relationship, we draw up an early childhood education agreement which records the type of care. The more detailed hours of care must be reported one week in advance to the Edlevo system. You can download the Edlevo application on your phone, or you can report the information via a web link on a computer. You can get more information about this from the place of care. Permanent changes to the type of care should always be negotiated with the family day care instructor or day care centre manager. The daily care hours must not exceed 10 hours. 


Food Services have created shared menus for all places of day care. As a rule, the meal times are as follows: 

  • 8.00 breakfast 

  • 11.00 or 11.30 lunch 

  • 14.00 snack 

After each meal, the child is offered a xylitol drop. If the child has a food allergy, a certificate issued by a nurse or doctor 

must be submitted of it to the day care centre or family day care instructor.  

Rest hour 

Daytime rest causes discussion every autumn. Each child listens to a fairy tale, calms down and rests daily for about 45 minutes. After that, the child can get up if the child does not feel like sleeping. If the child falls asleep, the child is tired and needs sleep. The children  

wake up from the daytime rest no later than 14.00.  

Outdoor activities 

We go outdoors daily, weather permitting. Outdoor activities mainly take place in a fenced yard area, but sometimes we also make excursions. 


The child needs clothing appropriate to the season of the year and weather. The clothing should be such that it does not restrict the daily activities of the child or group of children.   

In addition, a change of clothes should be reserved in a back bag for both indoor and outdoor use. The clothing and footwear should be provided with  

name labels. If the child needs diapers, they must also be brought to the place of care. 

Illness and administration of medication 

Please inform the place of care if your child becomes ill. If the child is ill or not feeling well, the child cannot come to day care. When the child can go outdoors normally, the child can be brought to day care. If the child falls ill during the day in care, we will contact the parents immediately.  

As a rule, the parents administer medicines to a child. Almost all medicines taken as a course have alternatives that are administered only 1 to 2 times per day. This also applies to eye drops. Medicines should be taken at home before coming to day care and, if necessary, after day care (regardless of whether the child eats breakfast at home or in day care).  

If the child’s chronic illness requires the administration of medication also in day care, this is agreed on a case-by-case basis with the parents and the care provider. A medical care plan is always drawn up for this. The administration of homeopathic and natural remedies to the child is the responsibility of the parents, and these are not given at the place of care. 


Birthday invitations must not be distributed to the children’s lockers. In the autumn, the groups collect the parents’ email addresses if the parents give their permission, and the addresses are shared with the parents. Birthday invitations can be sent electronically.   

Child insurance  

In Raisio, children in day care are insured for the duration of the care days. In order for a reimbursement to be paid from the insurance taken by Raisio, the child must first be taken to the Raisio Health Centre. In urgent cases, paramedics assess the need for transport and the care provider. The health centre assesses the treatment measures and provides the necessary referrals.  

If the parents use a private clinic, the parents are responsible for the costs that exceed the fee of their own health centre. The Town of Raisio does not use private medical services. The exception is urgent dental care when the dental clinic is closed. The child’s custodians will be informed without delay of any accidents occurring to their child in day care. 

Car transport 

We use taxis or bus for excursions. Children may not be transported in the personnel’s cars.  

Joint custody / single custody 

If the family has joint custody, both parents have the right to all information about the children. If the family has single custody, we will only disclose information to the custodian with designated custody. If the family has a legal decision on custody, the decision must also be delivered for information to early childhood education. 

Preschool education 

Preschool education is included in the early childhood education day. As a rule, the daily preschool education takes place from 8.30 to 12.30. The preschool education hours of units located at schools may vary. The goal of preschool education is to promote the child’s learning facilities, support the child’s personality development and strengthen healthy self-esteem and a positive self-image.  

In preschool education, we guide children to adopt the values and standards of our culture, consideration for others and the rules of living with others. Versatile activities and play are key working methods in preschool education. A preschool education plan is drawn up for each child together with the parents. The child’s earlier learning experiences, interests, talent and potential learning difficulties are taken into account when planning, implementing and assessing the efforts. The work hours in preschool education can be found on Raisio’s website. 

Preschool education and related meals and accident treatment are free of charge.  

Illnesses and early childhood education  

Infectious diseases become considerably more common among children during the autumn and winter, and this requires special attention. Good hand hygiene is the best way to prevent infectious diseases. A child can attend early childhood education only when the child is healthy. If the child is sick, the child should stay at home.

Arranging the care of a sick child can be difficult for the child’s parents.  A working parent of a child under the age of 12 has the right to take time off from work because of the child’s illness and in order to arrange care for the child for a maximum of four days per period of illness.    

A nurse at the Raisio, Rusko or Vahto Health Station or a doctor treating the child can write a certificate of temporary child care leave for the employer. The statutory temporary child care leave is an unpaid leave. In some sectors or workplaces, it has been agreed separately that the provision of care is subject to paid leave.   

As a rule, sick children should not be taken to day care. A sick child should rest and recover at home. It is also not appropriate to give pain or fever medication to the child before taking the child to day care. A child is healthy and fit for day care when the child can play and participate in day care activities without needing special attention. Below is a more detailed list of the need for isolation with certain conditions.  

When every parent pays attention to this, the children stay healthier.   

Early childhood education or preschool education in Raisio does not administer any medication to the children during the day of care. The only exception is the medical care of a chronic disease, of which a separate medical care plan is drawn up for the child. Lotion may be applied to the skin of a child if atopic skin so requires.

When can a child come to day care/preschool? 

Temperature: The child can return to day care/preschool after one day without temperature and when the other potential symptoms get better. 

Cough and rhinitis: If the child has temperature, see item Temperature. Cough and rhinitis require absence when they interfere with general well-being or activities in day care/preschool (such as going outdoors).   

Diarrhoea and vomiting: The child can return to day care/preschool after two days without symptoms.      

Chickenpox: Usually five to six days from the onset of skin symptoms, until the scabs have dried and the child’s condition allows.

Ear infection: No isolation measures required. The child can return to day care/preschool when the temperature, pain and general wellbeing allow it.

Eye infection: Isolation is not necessary, the intensity of symptoms determines the absence.

Pinworms: Absence from day care/preschool is not necessary. Medication is given at home and must be given to the whole family at the same time.

Head lice: Isolation is necessary until the treatment has been completed.

Impetigo: Isolation lasts for 24 hours from the start of oral medication and 48 hours from the start of local medication.   

Roseola: The treatment is arranged as required by the symptoms. The child can return to the place of care as soon as the general condition and temperature allow it. 

Scarlet fever and tonsillitis (Streptococcus A infections): 24 hours from the start of antibiotic treatment is a sufficient isolation period. The length of the home care period is determined by the child’s general well-being.

Herpes simplex (cold sores): There is no need for isolation if the child’s general condition is good.   

RS virus: RS virus is most contagious just before the onset of the disease and in the early stages of the disease. The isolation of the child has little bearing on the risk of contagion.  The child can return to day care or preschool when the temperature has subsided and the child’s general condition is good.   

Fifth disease (erythema infectiosum): It takes one to three weeks from contagion before the onset of the disease.  This makes it difficult to limit the risk of contagion. The child should be kept at home until there is no more temperature and the child seems to be healthy. (The rash may continue for a couple of weeks, sometimes fading and returning. Therefore, the rash alone is not an obstacle to returning to day care/preschool.)

Hand, foot and mouth disease: The disease is transmitted even before symptoms appear. The child may be in day care/preschool if the child’s general condition allows it and the child is not feverish.

Scabies: The child must be absent from day care for 24 hours after the end of treatment.

Adenovirus: Adenovirus is easily transmitted by droplets when coughing and sneezing or by touching, for example, via hands. Some adenoviruses can be transmitted through faeces or bathing water. There is no medication for adenovirus infection, the treatment is symptomatic.