
Martti-vaakunalla kuvitettu valkoinen lippu. Taustalla puita.

You can give roses or twigs to the city using the attached forms. The feedback is directed to the person responsible for the matter.

Feedback on traffic lanes, green areas, marinas or sports and outdoor recreation areas, as well as observations on foreign species

Feedback from social and health services

  • Feedback from social and health services and the rescue service should be given to the welfare area at

Feedback on the city's other services

Those who have left their contact information will be answered within two weeks at the latest. You can send your message anonymously, but if you want a reply, be sure to also fill in the contact information fields. Please note that the data security of the feedback form has not been ensured, so do not mention sensitive information such as social security numbers, bank account numbers or health information in your feedback.

Jätä yhteystietosi, jos haluat vastauksen palautteeseesi.

Translations of the form

Mistä annat palautetta - Subject of the feedback

  • Koulutus ja varhaiskasvatus - Education and daycare
  • Kulttuuri ja vapaa-aika - Culture and leisure
  • Asuminen ja ympäristö - Living and environment
  • Kaupunki ja päätöksenteko - City and decision-making
  • Työ ja yrittäminen - Work and business
  • -sivuston saavutettavuus - Accessibility of the -website

Palautteen aihe - Feedback title

Palaute - Feedback

Nimi - Name

Jätä yhteystietosi, jos haluat vastauksen palautteeseesi. - Leave your contact information if you want a response to your feedback.

Sähköpostiosoite - Email address

Puhelinnumero - Phone number