Nature paths

Mies punaisessa takissa janainen sinisessä takissa taluttaa kahta koiraa luontopolulla. Koirilla takit päällä.

On this page:


(11,5 km)

A path suited for a day trip, reserve about 4 to 6 hours for the route with breaks included. Climb up and admire the view from the Kullaanvuori observation tower. Kullaanvuori has a lean-to, a firepit and an outhouse. Kullaanpolku is part of the Kuhankuono hiking routes.

Starting points: Kerttula Sports Centre, has a parking area. The path starts from the end of the sports hall. Go over Kerttulantie to Vesakuja, the bridge over Raumantie is at the end of this street.

The other starting point is Rusko ski centre

Please note! You are not allowed to walk on the skiing tracks of the ski centre. If there is a thick layer of snow, the signs to the walking path to Kullavuori are located on Hujalantie, right after turning to the ski centre’s road. You can leave your car at the end of the piggery building.

A-kirjaimen mallinen puukyltti, johon on kaiverrettu teksti Kullaanpolku.


(3 km and a 900 m cabin walk)

Routes suited for day trips, a nature oasis right by the city centre.

A lean-to, a firepit with a woodshed, an outhouse and a well can be found along this route.

Starting points:At Metsäkallankatu and Pähkinämäki cabin. Both spots have an information board with a map. There is a small parking area near Pähkinänmäki cabin and room for 2–3 cars at the end of Metsäkallankatu.

Mustikoita kädessä


 (4 km)

Uikkupolku goes around the Raisionlahti bay. The route has a birdwatching tower and nature path information boards. You can access the route from the birdwatching tower’s parking area along Nesteentie, for example (before the Hahdenniemi marina).

Opaste Uikkupolulle.


 (3.8 km)

A nature path that diverges from Uikkupolku and leads to the lush, coastal surroundings of Viheriäinen. It is also an access route for the marina customers.

Signposts from the marina.

Henkilö kävelee Timalipolun luontopolulla

Kerttula nature path

(3.3 km)

You can start the route easily from the Kerttula sports centre or Friisilä workshops. In addition to admiring the view, you can also study the information boards along the route and take the opportunity to pick some berries or gather mushrooms.

Maitohorsmat, takana polku


Vaskipolku will take wanderers to see the discoveries from the late Iron Age. You can start the path from e.g. Huhkotalo Manor (with a parking area), but you can easily access the route from elsewhere along it. 

Raisio Museum Harkko has developed a mobile guide for Vaskipolku. There are also mobile guides for other prehistoric sights of Raisio and its public art works.

Vaskipolku-kyltti, taustalla metsää